Using Gamification to Inspire Learning
How can gamification diversify teaching, support learning, and motivate students? What kinds of skills do students develop through their own game projects or in collaborative game jams? And why is it beneficial to examine games as media texts with students?
Welcome to the Noppia, Nappuloita ja Avattaria – Gamification in Education online seminar, where we’ll explore ways to utilize gamified learning, game literacy, and game-based learning environments in basic and upper secondary level education. Throughout the day, you’ll hear about the use of gamified elements to engage learners in special education, insights on game jams in high schools, and the unique learning experiences that escape games offer.
The seminar will showcase best practices from projects coordinated by the Innokas Network for integrating gamification into basic and upper secondary level education, alongside expert presentations. This free seminar is intended for basic and upper secondary level education staff and anyone interested in the topic. The seminar will be held on Zoom, and a participation link will be sent to registrants about a week before the event. Please note that the seminar is hosted in Finnish and all presentations except for the last one will be in Finnish.
Date: Friday, November 29, 2024, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Registration: Sign up by November 22 via this form.
10.00-10.05 | Opening remarks, Project Manager Leenu Juurola |
10.05-10.45 | Human-centered Design in Learning, with game design and graphics expert, Researcher Heikka Valja, Aalto University |
10.45-11.15 | Reading Games – Games as Media Texts, with PhD Researcher Esa Pelkonen, University of Helsinki, and Teacher Lauri Nurmivuori, Rajakylä School, Oulu |
11.15-11.30 | Gamification Card Deck – Preview of upcoming learning materials, Project Manager Leenu Juurola |
11.30-12.15 | Lunch Break |
12.15-12.45 | Gamifying Learning in Special Education, with Special Education Teachers Tarja Holopainen, Alava School, Kuopio, and Kalle Venäläinen, Paloaho School, Kuopio |
12.45-13.15 | Learning in Games:
13.15-13.50 | Game Creation and Gaming in High School:
13.50-14.00 | Break |
14.00-14.15 | Game Development as a Learning Project, Teacher Eeva-Riitta Yliniva, Ylikylä School, Rovaniemi |
14.15-14.55 | Lessons Learned in Game Design – a professional perspective by Game Designer Pavel Volkov, Supercell (in English) |
14.55-15.00 | Closing Remarks |