Innokas Network and Finnish National Agency for Education challenges all Finns to take part in EUCodeWeek between 5th and 20th of October.
Innokas Network organizes different kind of coding events all over Finland and at the same time challenges all Finns to add their coding related activities (classes, courses, events etc.) to EUCodeWeek web page. Take part in the challenge and bring along a friend or a colleague!
How to add an activity to Find out here.
Participating is easy!
Innokas Network’s educators designed an activity that doesn’t require former knowledge about coding and suites all ages. Find the fun and easy instructions here.
Add your coding activity to EUCodeWeek’s webpage and win a prize!
Innokas Network, together with it’s business partners, draws a lottery between all Finnish EuCodeWeek participants. The winners will be personally informed on 23th of October.
The prizes:
- Innokas Network and Growing Mind Project: 4 tickets to ITK conference (1st-3rd of April 2020)
- Konstipakki: 10 HaloCode sets, 2 Micro:bit club packs and 5 e-textile starting kits
- Tevella: 2 LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 sets
- The Robotics Society of Finland: 5 Ultra Light Headlamps
- YLE: 3 RoboMestarit t-shirts